Worldwide the peace sign is known and can be found on millions of different items from clothes, to stickers, to shoes, jewelry to really about anything you can think of.
But does it really mean peace? Where does that symbol really trace back to? This is what I found…
Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the church of Satan and lead priest, apparently used the downward fork as the background for his altar.
The “peace sign” supposedly began as a logo for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). According, to CND it was designed in 1958 by Gerald Holtom. He incorporated the hand-held flag symbols (semaphores) for the N and D into his logo, the N standing for nuclear and the D standing for disarmament. In semaphore, the letter N is formed by a person holding two flags in an upside-down V and the letter D is formed by holding one flag pointed straight up and other pointed straight down. By superimposing the flag orientation of these 2 letters, the bars of the peace sign was derived. It made its first public appearance in the U.K in March 1958 over the Easter weekend.
Holtom described the use of the downward V to represent the despair that he felt due to nuclear proliferation. He later reportedly regretted his choice, rather preferring an upward V, which he felt would express the joy of peace. He requested that the upward V peace sign be placed on his tomb, but this request was not fulfilled.
Graphic by Shawn Liu
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970), a philosopher, historian, mathematician, and a member of the Direct Action Committee against Nuclear War supported Holtom's claim and aggressively promoted the arms down symbol. Russell was the march organizer responsible for placing the arms down peace symbol on buttons and banners.
Russell's interest in the peace symbol becomes visible when you know he was a member of the British Fabian Socialist Society, a secret society advocating a New World Order. Russell wrote in his book, The Impact of Science on Society, that a "Black Death" or bacteriological warfare would be helpful every generation to cull the population. One of Russell's frustrations was war had proved to be disappointing in dramatically reducing populations. When you realize Russell supported both communism and peace without God, his alignment with all the New World Order tenets becomes visible. Specifically, he wanted to abolish God, abolish representative government, abolish private property, abolish food independence, abolish the family, and abolish most people as part of his anti-Christian crusade.
While Holtom may not have known the historical meaning of the peace symbol, Bertrand Russell was a historian and member of the Fabian Society. A 1970 article in the American Opinion magazine claimed Russell knew the historical occult meaning and intentionally selected an "anti-Christian design long associated with Satanism."
In 1955 Rudolph Koch published a book called the “Book of Signs”. In it he indicates through his research that the downward pointing fork means “the death of man”, and with the circle around it means “total” indicating that the sign means total death to all people.
1941-1945 Hilter
With the Third Reich steeped in the occult, Hilter’s 3rd Panzer Division used this symbol. The symbol in Germany is called a todesrune or death rune. It often appeared on death notices and can also be found on some of the tombstones of the SS soldiers.
711 A.D.
Used by the Saracens as a symbol of Christian hate. The two diagonal segments are meant to represent the breaking of the cross. It was carved into shields and armor. There are many instances where this symbol was used to alternately represent a broken cross, a raven’s claw or a witch’s food, all occultic or satanic in nature.
54-68 A.D.
Roman emperor, Nero Claudius Caesar (37-68 A.D.) ruled Rome from 54 A.D. until his death by suicide 14 years later. He is best known for his debaucheries, political murders, love of music and brutal persecution of Christians.
During his reign, the “peace” symbol was widely displayed to represent a broken cross or broken Christian/Jew. It got the name “Neronic cross” since it was Nero’s way of signifying his vision of a world absent of Christianity.
So there you have it. The peace symbol has a troubling history and whatever it may mean today it speaks of a false peace.
What we wear on our bodies or have in our houses, cars, etc is important to God and should be to us as well. Regardless of what the symbol is used for today, it doesn’t erase why it was created in the first place and what it still means to this day.
We should never blindly follow others and what they deem is okay without doing our own research. Just because something’s on a kids t-shirt doesn’t mean it’s okay.
It would be like if people starting wearing the swastika symbol as a symbol of peace – would you be okay wearing the swastika?
Personally, I’ve gotten rid of everything that has the “peace” symbol on it. The majority of people might believe it means peace but I don’t want myself or my family wearing a symbol that also represents a broken Christian and/or peace without God.
Angela Grover
Author, It's Time To Fight
Founder of Sanctification Day By Day
What is the origin of the peace sign?
Betrand Russell – The Impact of Science of Society
Cross of Nero
How Did The Peace Sign Originate?
Oh my goodness, thank you Miss Grover. I have always been uneasy with the peace sign symbol. After all it was a sign heavily used during the sexual revolution which was the end of true feminism and the accelerant of abortion. I noticed one day at mass on Catholic priestly vestments the symbol upright. When you turn the holy vestment upside down it is the peace symbol ☮️. Now I know that by putting a circle around it means total death instead of the upright symbol meaning life through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Satan turns all things of God upside down, hence the witches crows foot. Our middle school uses this symbol on several peace days throughout the year so please pray for me as I share this information with parents and the principal to change to the dove! Very Grateful