This little Aussie frog was discovered in Queensland in the early 1980’s and unfortunately became extinct ~1 year later most likely due to a fungus that was introduced by humans.
The gastric-brooding frog got its name from its most extraordinary way of giving birth. After laying her eggs and the male frog fertilizing them, she would then swallow them! She would use her stomach to hatch and grow her babies which meant her stomach acted as a womb!
When the gastric-brooding frog became pregnant the stomach somehow would know to stop its digestive functions and stopped excreting the enzymes so that it became an incubator where up to 25 baby frogs would hatch. During this time the female frog stopped eating.
The mommy frog soon had dozens of baby frogs crawling around in her stomach. After about 6-7 weeks once the baby frogs were big enough to see the hole at the top of the stomach, they would then crawl up the esophagus into the mother’s mouth where she would spit or vomit them out.
When the last baby frog was out the makeshift womb suddenly the stomach knew it needed to once again revert back into a fully functioning stomach and the mother frog would start eating again.
We are taught that evolution is small changes over a very long period of time. Evolution is also totally random meaning there is no thought or logic to how something develops. Charles Darwin in his book, Origin of Species even states that “Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a… leap.”
Think about it…if the gastric-brooding frog’s reproductive process did evolve that means it would have had to make huge changes to its physical makeup as well as behavioural all at once and that just doesn’t fit into evolution’s theory.
This unique birthing process is either totally effective or it fails completely. There is no in between.
If you think rationally and logically you know that this very unique and complex birthing progress could never evolve. The first time she swallowed her babies they just would have been lunch and lunch can’t evolve to the next stage.
The only way this process works is if everything is present and functioning properly all at the same time and that takes an intelligent designer!
Your Sister in Christ,

Angela Grover
Author, It’s Time to Fight
Founder of Sanctification Day By Day
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