Revelation 3:15-16 (NLT)
“I know all things you do, that you are neither hot or cold. I wish you were one or the other. But since you are like lukewarm water, I will spit you out of my mouth!”
We’ve all been there – a lackluster faith that doesn’t go anywhere. We’re constantly getting pulled in a hundred different directions and our to-do list only gets longer. We put God off to the side and before you know it we’ve lost the relationship, we’ve lost our first love.
I totally get it. I totally get the almost impossible juggling act it is and the multiple hats we need to wear every single day.
If you’ve heard my story before you know my adventure started with asking a question; “Is there more to being a Christian?” See I thought I was checking everything off the checklist of being a good Christian yet I still felt unsatisfied and that something was missing. I wasn’t experiencing the life we see in the New Testament and I didn’t feel led by the Holy Spirit. And as more balls started hitting the ground I wondered why God seemed so far away.
Looking back, I know that I had a spiritually dead faith, one by works and not by being a follower of Jesus.
I promise you once you find your first love again (Jesus) you’ll never go back to that stale, uninteresting and non-transforming life.
These next 4 weeks we’ll dive deep on what a passion filled faith looks like. So to start, spend some time examining where your faith is at right now. Are you asking the question: “Is there more to being a Christian?” Are you looking for a faith that moves mountains and fills your life with passion and purpose?
Action Plan: This week give yourself a spiritual health check. Are you cold, lukewarm or hot in your relationship with Jesus?
I encourage you to spend some time answering the below questions:
1)How do you feel about your relationship with Jesus? Have you lost your first love or is it thriving and passionate?
2)How much time do you spend with God a day (include prayer and reading the Bible)? Is God an afterthought or a priority?
3)What does your life reflect more…a) your faith in Jesus or b) an unbeliever?
4)What (if anything) is getting in the way of growing your relationship with God?
5)Do you feel you’re fulfilling the plan God has for your life?
Extra Scripture to read:
Matthew 7:16-20
Mark 4:15-19
Isaiah 29:13
Titus 1: 15-16
Your Sister in Christ,
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