![What Was The First Sin?](http://www.sanctificationdaybyday.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/What-was-the-first-sin-1200x615.png)
When asking who committed the first sin most would answer Adam or Eve when they ate the apple in the Garden of Eden. But that’s not correct.
The very first sin was actually committed by Lucifer (the name given to Satan before he was kicked out of heaven).
So, if Satan committed the first sin, what was it?
The answer is pride and it manifested in rebellion when he started a war which got him and 1/3 of the angels kicked out of heaven.
In Isaiah 14:13-14 Satan states his 5 “I will” statements:
1) I will ascend to heaven
2) I will set my throne above God’s stars
3) I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north.
4) I will climb to the highest heavens
5) I will be like the Most High
The definition of pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
We are told in Ezekiel 28:12-14 that Satan was special. He is full of wisdom, perfection of beauty, was clothed with every precious stone, he was ordained and anointed as the mighty guardian cherub and was created with music in him.
We are also told in Ezekiel 28:17 that Satan’s heart was filled with pride because of his beauty and splendor. And because of his pride he wanted to be above God and started a war he could not win.
Pride is the oldest sin and yet today it is still the biggest and most common sin found. In a world where we exalt ourselves and are encouraged to take pride in everything we are and do you can easily see how Satan uses the very sin he fell for, for our own downfall today.
1 Corinthians 1:31
The person who wishes to boast
should boast only of what the Lord has done.
I encourage you today to search yourself to see where pride may be lurking. Everything we are and everything we have is from God so be careful of the sin of pride and who you are worshipping for your achievements.
Your Sister in Christ,
P.S If you want to learn more about Satan and how he operates in our lives sign-up to be on the special launch list of my upcoming book called It’s Time to Fight: Equipping the Body of Christ to Effectively and Successfully Wage War Against the Enemy
![Angela Grover](http://www.sanctificationdaybyday.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/professional-head-shot-1-2-1005x1024.jpg)
Angela Grover
Author, It's Time to Fight
Founder of Sanctification Day By Day
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