Psalm 139: 13,15-16
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born.
Where do you derive your identity from? Where does your self-worth come from?
- Is it through another person
like your spouse?
- Through the attention from the opposite sex?
- Does it come from friends and who you hang-out with?
- Does it come from past hurts and trauma from your childhood?
- Do you get it through your work and/or the people you look up to?
In most cases, especially women, we place our self-worth and build our self-identity from other people.
For the next 4 weeks we’re going to be delving into what our identity and thereby our worth is in Jesus Christ. Knowing who you are in Jesus will change your life!
As you meditate on this week’s Scripture realize that God doesn’t make mistakes. You were born for a purpose and that purpose is good. Intimately understand that God made you with care and love and has been watching you before you were even born and hasn’t stopped.
This world’s culture believes our self-identity revolves around our sexual preference so we’re going to start this month at the very beginning. This might seem like a no-brainer but it’s an important discussion to have especially if you have children.
Action Plan: This week as you take time praying about this week’s Scripture, as well as the extra Scripture, let these truths sink deep into your heart:
- God doesn’t make mistakes
- If you were born female or male it’s because the purpose God has for your life can only be accomplished through that gender.
- Your identity does not and should not come from other people but from the one that created you.
- You are made in God's image
- You were made with care and love
Extra Scripture to read:
Jeremiah 29:11
Matthew 10:29-31
Ephesians 2:10
Your Sister in Christ,
P.S If you would like to receive these devotionals every Monday in your inbox you can sign-up here.
Missed last month’s devotionals or would like to review? No problem, you can find them here…
The month of May: Where You’re At and Where You Need to Be
Week #1: Your Spiritual Health Check
Week #2: What’s Stopping You?
Week #3: What is Faith?
Week #4: Going All In
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