Did you know that there isn’t just 1, or 2 but 7 assumptions to evolution? Schools teach evolution as a fact but it is very far from being a scientific fact.
G. A. Kerkut, a British biologist, published a book in 1960 entitled, Implications of Evolution. In it he states 7 assumptions to the theory of evolution:
- Life arose from nonliving matter (i.e., spontaneous generation occurred).
- Spontaneous generation only occurred once.
- Viruses, bacteria, plants and animals are interrelated.
- Multicellular animals (metazoa) evolved from unicellular or single-celled organisms (protozoa or protists).
- Various invertebrate phyla are interrelated.
- Vertebrate animals evolved from invertebrate animals.
- Vertebrate animals evolved from fish to amphibians, from amphibians to reptiles, from reptiles to birds and mammals, etc.
Numbers 1 and 2 deal with the spontaneous generation or in other words non-living matter suddenly became alive. I’m sure if you asked any scientist or any logical person if your pet rock could suddenly become alive they’d they, no. We have never witnessed spontaneous generation and they know it’s ridiculous so they cover their butts with assumption 2 where a spontaneous generation has only occurred once since the beginning of time.
Moving along to the inter-relatedness of all life and the order in which it happened. The fossil record does not sustain these assumptions right from the beginning. The fossil record cannot adequately reveal invertebrate phyla and so orderly evolution prior to vertebrates is impossible to prove.
Also, as far as the fossil record goes if life evolved with small changes over a very long period of time you would find what is called transitional fossils. You would find a lot of them and the fossil record doesn’t have them. Let me give you an example, if the rat turned into the bat you would find some rat fossils and some bat fossils but you would find a lot of transitional fossils as the rat “evolved” into the bat. We just don’t find that in the fossil record.
The probability of spontaneous generation is so fanciful and remote that it needs to stay in sci-fi movies. And the assumptions that all life came from this ooze is even more so. The fossil record doesn’t show one “tree” that all life comes from but that there is a “tree” for each KIND of life.
When you look at evolution logically and rationally it doesn’t stand up to the light. But there is another theory that should be taught in our schools and that there is an intelligent designer that created the world and everything on it. The more science discovers the more this theory holds true!
Your Sister in Christ,

Angela Grover
Author, It's Time to Fight
Founder of Sanctification Day By Day
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