Although I grew up believing in Santa my kids have not. And contrary to popular opinion they have not suffered knowing the truth. This is how I explained Santa to my children: Christmas is when we …
How The Heart Deceives [and the cure]
Earlier I wrote a blog post about how Christians need to stop leading with a message of love but with a message of repentance. We always need to remember that God is holy, God is righteous, God is a …
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Can Christianity and Halloween Play Together?
There is a lot of controversy on whether Christians should or should not participate in halloween. As always we should never follow anything without doing research into its history as well as looking …
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An Important Lesson Learned From The Man of God From Judah
Today I’d like to discuss 1 Kings chapter 13 and a very important lesson we are taught in it. I want to talk about it because thousands of Christians today are making the same mistake that this …
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Christian Karate – Is There Such A Thing?
Asking questions if never a bad thing. Doing your own research before participating in anything is an even better idea. I participated in karate for around 7 years starting at the age of 13. I …
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7 Reasons Why Christians Should Never Do Yoga
It’s amazing what comes to light as you read God’s Word and what children can teach you. Being a mother and watching my children grow I totally get Matthew 18:3 when Jesus says we must become as …
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